G. Marconi Society
Se stai pensando di diventare un membro del G. Marconi Society Club o hai bisogno di aggiornare i tuoi ultimi dati di iscrizione inviacelo compilando il modulo in questa pagina.
Lo scopo della Società G. Marconi come club senza scopo di lucro e della società sociale è quello di fornire attività frequenti per promuovere relazioni cordiali tra i suoi membri e servire con orgoglio la comunità più ampia fornendo opportunità per bambini con bisogni speciali. Forniamo anche assistenza finanziaria per giovani adulti in cerca di istruzione e sostegno per i nostri anziani. Sostegno finanziario alle organizzazioni di servizi sociali e sanitari senza scopo di lucro che servono la nostra comunità .
L'abbonamento è di $ 50. Incluso nella quota di iscrizione c'è una carta regalo da $ 50 per l'operazione alimentare del Marconi Events Center.
Questa carta può essere utilizzata dai membri su tutti gli acquisti di cibo da Tempo Modern Mediterranean Restaurant, The Social lunch a buffet e Marconi Takeout.
Inserisci i tuoi dati nel modulo e ti contatteremo al più presto.
Registrazione dell'appartenenza
The purpose of the G. Marconi Society as a non-profit and social society club, is to provide frequent activities for promoting cordial relationships among its members and to proudly serve the greater community. We provide financial assistance for young adults seeking education and support for our seniors. We also contribute to non-profit health and social service organizations that serve our community.
In order to qualify for a Club Italia membership a person must be of Italian birth or descent or must be married to a person of Italian birth or descent. Social Membership is also available.
Types of Membership
There are 4 different types of G. Marconi Society memberships as follows:
Member – must be over the age of 18 years and must be of Italian descent whether by blood or marriage. will possess voting privileges, including opportunities to run for executive positions. The cost is $50 per person per year beginning in January ($25 over 65)
Social Member – those who, are not interested in becoming an active member and those who, because of their national origin cannot become a member. They may participate in social, athletic, and cultural activities sponsored by the GMS or others. They are entitled to attend meetings of the GMS, but not entitled to participate in the discussion of the GMS without the permission of the GMS Executive Committee, and not entitled to vote or hold office. Membership cost is $25 per person per year
Student Member – must be under the age of 25 and still attending school (college/university etc). The same rights as a social member. There is no cost for membership.
Honorary Member – one who has received a certificate as an Honorary Member from the GMS Executive Committee
Payment by cheque made payable to the G. Marconi Society
or e-Transfer gmarconisociety@gmail.com
Enter your information in the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Membership Benefits
The G. Marconi Society membership privileges include the following:
Participation in the indoor bocce league.
Money-saving discounts on family events, such as Father's Day dinner. the GMS Golf Classic Tournament, the GMS /EMS Children’s Christmas Party, and many other social events
Qualify their children for two GMS Scholarships at the completion of High School
How to Apply
Simply download, print, and complete the application form. Once you have done so, email the completed form to us at gmarconisociety@gmail.com to finalize your application and arrange payment with us.